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Varvarovsky elected new Czech Ombudsman

September 13th 2010

Former Constitutional Court judge Pavel Varvarosvky was elected as the new Czech Defender of Rights on the 8th September 2010.

Former Constitutional Court judge Pavel Varvarovsky was elected as the new Czech Defender of Rights on the 8th September 2010. His candidacy was proposed by the Senate and supported by 98 out of 181 deputies. He is expected to take office on the 18th September when he officially takes his oath in the presence of Chamber of Deputies chairwoman Miroslava Nemcova.

His appointment comes after the death of Otakar Moteji, the former ombudsman. Mr Moteli held office from December 2000 and was regarded as one of the most trusted Czech officials.

For more information regarding Mr Varvarovsky’s appointment, click here. Alternatively, click here to learn more about the work of the Office of the Public Defender of Rights.