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Equality Bodies Supporting Good Practice by Service Providers

April 30th 2013

In a context of under-reporting of discrimination, prevention of discrimination becomes important for equality bodies. They have to give some priority to supporting service providers to develop and implement good equality policies and practices. Equality bodies can impact on a wider range of service users by working proactively with service providers to develop their equality competence.

This Equinet good practice guide outlines the key concepts and elements that shape a strategic approach by equality bodies to supporting service providers to promote equality, adjust for diversity, and combat discrimination.

- It first establishes the need for a strategic approach by equality bodies to this work.
- It next examines the concept of the equality competence of organisations that is the core goal of this work.
- It then sets out the range of initiatives that can be taken by equality bodies to support good practice by service providers.

This publication has been developed around the work of the Equality Authority in Ireland and includes case studies from the Authority. It also includes case studies from equality bodies in other EU Member States. The case studies illustrate the implementation of specific approaches to the work of supporting service providers to develop new practices. Some of the case studies also illustrate combinations of these different approaches to the work in particular initiatives.

The full guide can be downloaded below:

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